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    Speak Up! - View Question #28

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    Question: What is the legal age that a child can be to be able to ride in a car with an adult seat belt on. Not a car seat?

    Answer: Arizona Law (ARS 28-907) requires that children under the age of 5 be properly secured in a child passenger restraint system, meaning a car seat.

    However, several studies have shown that regular seatbelts do not adequately protect children in the event of an accident. Many auto parts stores sell devices that attach to a regular seatbelt and allow you to adjust the belt to better fit your child. and these are generally under $20.

    6 thru 10 of 28 comments     1  [ 2 ]  3   4   5  ...   
    On 04/12/04
    lacey from KS said:
    i'm a mother of a three month old lil girl hername is emelina and i agree that kids 4 and under need to ride in a child seat or a carseat instead of a seatbelt because if you wreck your child can go through the window or get wiplash or can be killed thats why my daughter rides in a carseat in the backseat instead of the front seat where the airbags are. if you think a child is safe in the front seat you worng because they can be kiled by the airbag thats why your always told to put a child as young as a newborn in the backseat with the front of the carseat facing the front.
    On 03/31/04
    Gracie from AZ said:
    I heard that if you were born in 1990, the driving age will probley be changed to 18 is that true.
    On 03/30/04
    MIchael from OH said:
    The law of Ohio should keep it the same becaus eit is just something new to all teenagers and it will not make a difference to what ever the age is.
    On 03/22/04
    Bell from NM said:
    I totaly agree with you cause I don't know what your talking about.
    On 03/12/04
    Jesse from AZ said:
    are they going to change the age?
    6 thru 10 of 28 comments     1  [ 2 ]  3   4   5  ...   

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