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Speak Up! - View Question #500 |
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Question: Will you go to jail if you do crack?
Answer: In Arizona, possession or use of a narcotic drug like crack is a class 4 felony, according to ARS 13-3408(A)(1). A first time offender for this crime cannot be sentenced to prison or jail. He or she must be placed on probation. A second time offender cannot go to prison, but may serve some jail time as a part of his/her probation. Any subsequent conviction for drug possession may result in jail and/or prison time.
Comments |
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On 05/25/03
jasmine from NY said:
if you do drugs it is bad for your health. i think you can die from it. drugs can aslo get you in alot of troble
On 05/08/03
Amy from MA said:
well first of all I'm not from "maryland" i'm from newfoundland, and I'm doing a assignment on cocaine, so I just came across this site, like to thank all of you for helping me with my assignment
On 12/20/02
Missy from CA said:
I am doig a project for school on drugs. If anyone can leave me a sight with the % of people in jail for drug related crims that would be great thanx
On 08/03/02
Brandon from AZ said:
If you are using crack, what the law will do to you is the least of your problems.
On 05/21/02
Kelli from AZ said:
You won't go to jail for USING crack, you have to actually have the drug on you to be arrested. But crack is a nasty drug anyway, so just stay away from it and you won't have that problem!
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