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    Speak Up! - View Question #507

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    Question: What is Marijuana?

    Answer: The term 'marijuana' refers to the leaves and flowering tops of the cannabis plant. Marijuana is a tobaccolike substance produced by drying the leaves and flowering tops of the cannabis plant. Marijuana contains a natural chemical called THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) which gives users of the drug a 'high' when smoked. Marijuana leaves are usually smoked in the form of loosely rolled cigarettes called joints or cigars called blunts.

    A number of other drugs including phencyclidine (PCP) may be used in making joints and blunts, substantially altering their effects and deadliness. Some common names for marijuana include pot, grass, weed, mary jane, acupulco gold, and reefer.

    Marijuana users experience the same health problems as tobacco smokers, such as bronchitis, emphysema, and bronchial asthma. Some of the effects of marijuana use also include increased heart rate, dryness of the mouth, reddening of the eyes, impaired motor skills and concentration, and frequent hunger. Extended use increases risk to the lungs and reproductive system, as well as suppression of the immune system. Occasionally, hallucinations, fantasies, and paranoia are reported.

    (Source: U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration information page about Marijuana http://www.usdoj.gov/dea/concern/marijuana.htm)

    1 thru 5 of 98 comments    [ 1 ]  2   3   4   5  ...   
    On 05/20/09
    Katie from CA said:
    It is sad how bias people are. If you like weed and smoke then that is your prerogative, if you don't then that's fine too. I'm sure your opinion about it is not going to change how anyone who uses thinks. People are so quick to try and make others think how they do.
    On 05/15/09
    starr from IL said:
    Where are we getting this information that marijuana causes these issues? How can it be "as bad" as a man made drug like alcohol? as deadly as sprayed tobacco. Marijuana is a plant and there is no "proven facts." If you use it in a test lab that would be the government and how can they do this testing objectively. Lets see,can we name and "famous" people who have died from marijuana overdoes? Can we name any famous people who have died from prescription drugs? Taxing that's the issue. marijuana can not make tax. If they really "cared" about your health remove tobacco. Nope its a profit.
    On 05/14/09
    Sam from TX said:
    I smoke bud everyday and I have been doing it for 10 years and i never felt better. It helps me relax after work.So I think USA should take it away from the gangs and make the money for the economy so LEGALIZE IT PLEASE
    On 04/08/09
    anonym from IN said:
    the current leading cash crop in the united states of america is marijuana. if the government legalized it they could tax it and make money. and im pretty sure gangs are not growing directly in response to marijuana.
    On 03/27/09
    Andrew from NM said:
    Yes, marijuana may not hurt your health. However, it is the number one income to the gangs in your neighbourhood. With your support through smoking, these gangs grow stronger each day. Right now the government is not going to legalize drugs any time soon because it is a social stigma. Thereforth, in reality smokers of marijuana and any sort of drug is the main CAUSE to the growing gang deaths in the U.S.A
    1 thru 5 of 98 comments    [ 1 ]  2   3   4   5  ...   

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