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    Speak Up! - View Question #679

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    Question: A Couple with children has divorced. Who is obligated to pay child support? Who decides how much is paid? For how long is this support paid? What happens if it is not paid?


    Who is obligated to pay child support?
    When a couple gets divorced, both parents are responsible for the financial support of the children.


    Who decides how much is paid?
    The Supreme Court has established guidelines to determine the amount of child support. Some of the things that the court looks at is the needs of the child, the financial resources and needs of the custodial parent, the standard of living the child would have enjoyed had the marriage not been dissolved, the physical and emotional condition of the child, the child's educational needs and the financial resources and needs of the noncustodial parent (A.R.S. § 25-320) You can go to http://www.supreme.state.az.us/childsup . OR http://www.familysupportcenter.com/supportservices/support.html to find out more about calculating the amount of child support.

    For how long is this support paid?
    Child support is paid until a child reaches the age of 18 AND graduates from high school or a certified high school equivalency program. If a child turns 18 while still in school, support will continue until graduation OR until the child reaches the age of 19. (A.R.S. § 25-320(C)). If a child is mentally or physically disabled, the court may order support to continue past the age of majority. (A.R.S. § 25-320(B)).

    What happens if the child support is not paid?
    A person not paying child support may face these consequences:

    • Suspension of your Driver's License- A.R.S. §§ 25-517,518
    • Revoke or suspend Professional, Occupational or Recreational Licenses
    • A.R.S. § 25-518 states boards that issue Professional, Occupational, or Recreational Licenses and/or Certificates will keep social security numbers on file so as to aid the Department of Economic Security in locating parents or to enforce child support orders.
    • Mandatory wage withholding
    • Intercept state income tax refund
    • Liens against real and personal property
    • Non payment reported to Consumer Credit Reporting

    1 thru 5 of 12 comments    [ 1 ]  2   3    
    On 06/03/08
    Jamie from MO said:
    I'm a single Father who is about to start paying $633 a month child support for 2 children. I already pay $260 for my son in a prevoius marriage, and I keep insurance on all 3 for $417 a month, this is $1310 a month in support, and ins. My problem after the ins comes out and the first order for support, I will have $620 left a month to support the other two kids and, also keep a place to bring them, what is fair about his? It is a shame that Dads that do want to have somthing to do with there kids, and are I 'm willing to pay and I want to pay, Ialso wantto beinvolved with my kids and pay.
    On 01/16/08
    Linda from MI said:
    On 08/16/07
    Ang from AZ said:
    I think it's interesting to read the posts on this site and see the children say, my mom/dad did not pay child support and that the dead beats owe the children. These people don't owe the children they owe the parent who was raising them, clothing them, putting a roof over their head, providing for them. If back child support is owed the fit parent is the one who goes after the dead beat for the arreages and will be the one who will be receiving the monies owed. Just FYI. The money will not go to the child(ren).
    On 09/13/06
    Umberto from AZ said:
    My name is Umberto I was enforced, with child support back in 11/05. I have to pay 25,000 in back child support my monthly payments are around 450 a month. I don’t make enough money to make my monthly payments and to pay back my out standing balance I am falling way behind. I am also trying every effort to pay my monthly payments and still having a hard time. I am being threatened for my out standing balance, by a suspension of my driver license. I don't know what to do please help!!!!
    On 11/17/05
    Kirsten from FL said:
    I was born in CT and I moved to Indiana when my parents got divorced. My mom was put as fit parent as my dad was called unfit. My mom had the child support thing done for me and my 2 brothers but my dad doesn't pay it. I am now almost 15 and my brothers are grown and out of school and my dad still doesn't pay attention to the fact that we're not doing good with money. I want to get some legal advice because he's in the military, he makes around 5k a month and he pays my half sister 126 dollars a week when he had mine reduced to 40 and he still doesn't pay it! Someone help me! Please!
    1 thru 5 of 12 comments    [ 1 ]  2   3    

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