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    Speak Up! - View Question #104

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    Question: Abusive Parents: Can I divorce them if I have a family to go to?

    Answer: Please contact the Arizona's Children's Law Center at 602-258-3434 X266 and speak with a legal consultant to seek advice for your individual situation. You may also read similar Q & A's in the Family section of Speak Up Answers. Nat'l Domestic Hotline number is 1-800-799-7233 to consult regarding abuse.

    11 thru 15 of 32 comments     1   2  [ 3 ]  4   5  ...   
    On 04/22/04
    Jenna from CA said:
    One of my best friends is constantly fighting with his mother, and she accuses him of doing extremely harmful drugs. She tried to check him into a mental institution, but they couldn't find anything wrong with him, and she also mentally abuses him, leaving him with deep emotional scars, especially since he has nobody to help him but us kids. His dad died when he was 6. She sent him to some kind of boot camp, without anything. He is devastated at this place and can't talk to any of his friends. The place last time gave him an apple for 3 days(he works all day too). He's on the edge and we'r
    On 04/22/04
    Jenna from CA said:
    If it is too unbearable and your parents are that abusive, contact a local emancipation group. If you live in southern california, contact Orangewood, they'll help you out.
    On 03/16/04
    renee from CA said:
    Yes dave she can actually go to the poliece and get help! and she needs to do it imediately!!
    On 03/15/04
    Kaitlyn from Othe said:
    On 03/08/04
    Eric Goudy from WI said:
    Leave if you cant take it leave now this is the most honest thing to do leave BUT ONLY IF YOU CAN HANDLE IT
    11 thru 15 of 32 comments     1   2  [ 3 ]  4   5  ...   

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