Question: Can a parent spank their kid at any age before 18 years old? I don't mean beat the kid just spank them?
Answer: Arizona law does provide that parents and persons acting as parents, including school personnel, may use corporal punishment (spanking). The punishment must be reasonable and not excessive.
In Arizona a child is anyone under the age of 18, and until you are 18, you are under the care, custody and control of your parent or legal guardian.
The Arizona Legislature passed a new law that went into effect on August 12, 2005 that allows minors to be emancipated. However, emancipation is a very difficult process that few are eligible for. See the Laws page for more information.
On 04/24/06 Kim from ME said:
I was spanked over my mom's knee until I was 12. I hated being punished like a little girl at that age but I'm grateful now that mom cared enough to discipline me. It only took a few applications of her hairbrush to my bare bottom to get the message across! I am a dedicated spanker myself now.
On 09/20/05 Maia from AZ said:
If my mom did that I would run away like that!
On 08/15/05 Joseph from OH said:
I believe in spanking a child. I am really interested in it. Once, I was at chuckycheese, and a lady was dragging her kid to the bathroom. I followed them. I got to see the way she taught her child. It wasn't a very pretty site thought
On 05/13/05 Stacy from AZ said:
No one likes to be spanked but it works the best to keep you in line. I haven't been spanked in several years but I know if do something very bad my parents will get the whip out.
On 03/18/05 Kayla from OR said:
sorry about a lot of things your parents did to you
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questions you may have about the laws affecting juveniles or any
legal interpretations.