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Speak Up! - View Question #173 |
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Question: I was married at 16, divorced at 17 am I still considered a minor or am I emancipated?
Answer: A minor who was married but is now divorced is still a minor unless a court declares the minor emancipated for a specific purpose according to the Arizona Emancipation Law.
Read more about Arizona's Emancipation Law on LawForKids.org.
Comments |
16 thru 20 of 27 comments |
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On 04/24/04
Steven from CA said:
Elise, In the US the minimum age for marriage is 16, and even then you have to have your parents' consent. That said, I must encourage you to wait until you are 18. I don't want to sound like your parents but you & your boyfriend will change a LOT between now and graduation. Especially if he's in the CG. I know, I am in the Army Reserves, and I am still with my highschool girlfriend. It can work, but if you push it too early you might ruin it. Grow slowly and good luck.
On 04/11/04
Elise from NJ said:
Im 15 and my boyfriend is almost 20. I love and and hes going into the Coast Guard next year. We want to get engaged before he leaves and then get married when he gets out. Is this legal? Please email me if you know anything about this. I dont want to do something that i will regret for the rest of my life, but i am so in love with him.
On 03/15/04
Kristina from WA said:
Emancipation is a process where a person under the age of 18, but of the age of 16 or older goes through the court, to get legal permission to be considered an adult leagally, there are some restrictions though. You also need parents or leagal guardians permission, if your parents are divorced, you need your custodial parents permission. You have to obtain a packet of the paperwork, fill it out, file some, serve some paperwork to your parents usually 15 days before the emancipation trial can be held. They are usually held at a certain time each month. Laws vary a bit from state to state.
On 03/06/04
Lycette from TX said:
I was wondering im 16 and i want to get married by church.I live in el paso and i know my parents have no problem but he is 20 years old can i get married
On 03/06/04
cindy from AZ said:
what does emacapated mean
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Read more about the law and Family, Emancipation and Marriage |
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