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    Speak Up! - View Question #174

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    Question: Why do parents have to pay child surport?

    Answer: Society believes that parents have a duty to support the children that they bring into the world, because the children cannot support themselves. Before recent times parents usually lived together and worked together. The food and other things that they produced and earned was shared in the family with the children and any other family members who lived with them or nearby.

    In the twentieth century divorce became possible and then became more and more common. Usually the children in a divorce stay with one parent and the other parent moves away. Child support is a way for the state to make certain that the parent who moves away supports his or her children to some extent.

    If the parents were still living together, they would spend more on the children or less depending upon raises in salary or the loss of a job. The court (in Arizona, and in most other states) will also raise or lower child support depending upon the how much each of the parents earn.

    Society is so very concerned about the child being supported properly that even if the parents try to agree in their divorce decree on a set amount of child support, the court may not approve this agreement. The court will very likely change child support even if the parents agreed not to, if one of them proves to the court at a later date that changing child support would be in the best interest of the minor children.

    Child support is not meant to punish one parent or to reward the other. It is only to ensure that the parent who has the most responsibility for supporting the children is given some help by the other.

    If the parents spend an equal amount of time with the children, and are responsible for an equal amount of the cost to raise them, (e.g. one child lives with each parent, or they alternate weeks at each parent's house) then the court may very well order no child support to be paid at all.

    21 thru 25 of 40 comments     1   2   3   4  [ 5 ] ...   
    On 01/16/04
    Tammy from KY said:
    i think one of your parent should surpport you because they brought you in the world and they should help you stay in the world and help you get a job and help you be in your life.
    On 11/19/03
    John Doe from AZ said:
    What if you are on your own and nether of your parents support you? I'm 16 and in school, and alot of jobs wont hire me because of my school hours, and I Have been all on my own since I was 12 I thank the lord that I was able to survive this rough life of mine. I'm drug free and I'm trying to do my best to live a good life but its difficult. I have had many struggles in my life I never got in trouble and did my best to stay in school but had to drop out when i was younger due to lack of money. I'm in school now and im going to finish. So is there some way that I could Get child support from bo
    On 11/15/03
    cheryl from ND said:
    The moment a man or boy take the pleasure of sex, without taking precautions is the moment that you take responsibility. Once a child is concieved he or she is a child, just like you like to be cared for so do the generation that prociede you. It's a tuff situation but I'm sure your a tuff guy. Such it up and take the best care of that baby that you can.
    On 10/12/03
    Shelby from PA said:
    I am on the other side of the coin, I recieve $40 a week for a teenage boy. I alway's made more money ( which is not much)then my EX. My husband had an affair and left with his girlfriend. I have to pay for school cholthes, school lunches, etc. Recently my son got in troble and I have already spent $3600. Since we have joint custody should he have to pay some. My teenage son did not take his father leaving well, He started to get in troble immediately after he left. He fully supports his girlfriend and daughter and has NO money for his children. I have no more money........
    On 10/11/03
    karen from WI said:
    You know every women doesn't have a child on their own. It takes two. How would you guys feel if you were in her (your husband or boyfriends ex's) situation. You would do exactly the same thing men are dogs that need to be taught a lesson. If you let them run lose they'll be using that money on something else besides your child. I'm one of those parents where I have to fight everyday for my daughters child support for her medical bills. He won't go to work he won't go do anything but sit on his ???? It makes me mad because we use to love eachother. I thought he loved her too. So I don't unders
    21 thru 25 of 40 comments     1   2   3   4  [ 5 ] ...   

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