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    Speak Up! - View Question #18715

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    Question: If your girlfriend is emancipated and you are over the age of 18 and she is 17 is she allowed to live with you?? Are you able to have sexual intercourse without any legal action?

    Answer: She can live with you if she is emancipated. In AZ you have to be 18 to consent to sex.

    6 thru 10 of 20 comments     1  [ 2 ]  3   4    
    On 06/03/06
    Jennifer from AZ said:
    I honestly don't think age matters. It all depends on the person and his/her maturity. If you feel you are ready to get married and realize marriage is not a game, it's serious and it comes with a never ending responsibility; then go for it. Most "adults" that are already married see a minor getting married wrong because they realize the huge responsibility and assume a minor can't deal with all that pressure, and yes, for some that may be true. I met my fiance online, and I'm not ashamed of it. Yes there are ALOT of perverts out there, but theres also people looking for love, just be careful.
    On 05/21/06
    Molly from VA said:
    Well well girls..some things you say are not true, im 16 almost 17, have a one year old son and a husband whom is 23, we've been together for almost 3 years. And we do get along great, we love eathother very much, and were great parents, my husband has recently enlisted in the Navy and were planning on moving to Cali soon.
    On 05/16/06
    Flora from UT said:
    Well,most people say UR stupid for wanting to get married to an older guy.It will never work out. LIES! It can work Well when I was 13 I met a guy who I totaly liked but as a friend hes 7y older.Went out on a date.Someone called DCFS and reported a stat rape victem(we'd never had sex and they never did a rape kit)he got a letter in the mail to go to court.So we got married a few months after I turned 14,to make it go away and it did(my mom signed)Have been married for 1.7 Years and happy as ever Just depends who u R I guess.but my advice if u do.start new cuse you lose friends and cant go back
    On 03/15/06
    Diamond from VA said:
    I just want to tell these girls that they're not alone.I don't think anyone should critisize you period.We all have our own opinions about things and I personally don't think it's smart to want to be emancipated just because they want to move in with an older partner.Remember these guys are legally adults, SOME feel once they've got you they can make you into anything they want you to be and theres no way out.However when you have had to grow up fast like myself you don't have time for the teenage drama. Your mentally an adult and that's what you want. As for gaurdians WE DESERVE RESPECT TO
    On 02/07/06
    Monique from AZ said:
    Wow, all you girls that are like 15 with 20 some-odd year old boyfriends, What are you thinking? The reason why your parents are hard on you is because you have twenty year old boyfriends. Where do you meet a 20 year old guy at 15 anyway?!?! If you were my kid, I definitely wouldn't let you out of the house to go "hang out" with your boyfriend. Do your parents honestly think that you're not having sex? You must be dang good liars with extremely naive parents. Don't you have better reasons to want to get emancipated besides your boyfriends conning you into believing they love you?
    6 thru 10 of 20 comments     1  [ 2 ]  3   4    

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