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Speak Up! - View Question #19236 |
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Question: Oh come on - I just grabbed her butt - so what's the big deal?
Answer: Sexual abuse is a crime and a felony. A person commits sexual abuse by intentionally or knowingly engaging in sexual contact with any person 15 or older without that person’s consent or with intentionally or knowingly engaging in sexual contact with a person under 15 years of age if the sexual contact involves only the female breast. (ARS §13-1404). Sexual contact with other parts of the victim’s body if the victim is under 15 years of age could result in even more serious charges.
Conviction of nearly all sex crimes requires lifetime registration as a sex offender. (A.R.S. 13-3821).
A victim of harassment that arises out of a dating relationship may also obtain a court order against that harassment (ARS §12-1809).
Comments |
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On 01/10/09
J from AZ said:
I was leaving math class when i tripped and fell, and grabbed this girls but, i didnt mean to, but she filed for sexual assalt. I went to court and the judge threw out the case calling her a "Drama queen" Judges are people too, tell them the truth, they will be nice.
On 08/30/07
megan from AZ said:
well...if you don't know her then Eww.. thats disgusting you pervert!
but if you do know her and she doesn't care then whatever...
On 06/09/07
Jenn from AZ said:
Personally I don't mind when I get my butt grabbed as long as it's by someone I atleast know.I think the punishment should vary depending on the grabbee's reaction to it.
On 06/19/06
Justine from FL said:
In Maine, I used to go to the rollodrome on fridays, it would be like the "club" type of thing, that teenagers would go to. Everyone would grab your butt while you're skating, but nobody every got in trouble for that. I don't know if it's the rollodromes fault, or the kids.
On 04/27/06
Evvaaaa from FL said:
So if my boyfriend grabs my butt, he can get in trouble? What if I don't have a problem with it?
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Read more about the law and Trouble, Sexual Assault and Misconduct and When You Turn 18 |
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