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    Speak Up! - View Question #367

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    Question: What is the punishment for a class two felony "Theft"?

    Answer: Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS 13-701) sets the recommended prison sentence for a first offense for a Class 2 felony at five years.

    To be considered a Class 2 felony, the value of the property stolen would be greater than $25,000 (ARS 13-1802).

    If the convicted criminal has prior convictions, the sentence jumps up to 9 1/4 years with a maximum of 18 1/2 years (ARS 13-604).

    1 thru 3 of 3 comments    [ 1 ]   
    On 11/18/06
    Andrew from AZ said:
    Hi Jason from AZ, I am from AZ too. I turned myself into the Police yesterday and Detective Jorge said I had committed a class 2 Felony. I committed Credit Card Fraud etc in Highschool between 93 and 97. I guess the statuete of limitations is only 7 years so that got me off the hook for now. I am glad I seem to have escaped immediate punishment, but I will do my best to make right what I did wrong. I would be interested to hear more about the restitution you have to do. Most people don't have $100,000+ dollars laying around. Take care Andrew
    On 03/04/04
    Jason from AZ said:
    I pled guilty to a class 3 felony that was a class 2, for a botched theft charge that spanned over a few years and ple bargined to 1-year county jail with Joe Arpio Work Furlough and full restitution of $122,500 and 10 years probation. I was faceing min. 7.5yrs min to 21yrs in D.O.C.. P.S. Know your stuff before you do anything.
    On 03/03/04
    Chris from KY said:
    One time i went to the mental hospital.And let me say you dont want to go there.They make you sleep alot.And they make you do boring stuff.That was in 2002.That was when i was 8 years old. And am 9 now. And my mate was mean.I would call him doud.And he said "my name is not doud" very loudly.And all i got for a reward was to play computer.And,or to play a game.
    1 thru 3 of 3 comments    [ 1 ]   

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