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Speak Up! - View Question #473 |
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Question: Do parents ultimately decide whether their child is retained? Can the parent override the school district's decision concerning grade retention?
Answer: The law is very clear on this.
No. The teacher has authority to promote or retain an elementary student at a grade level and to pass or fail a high school student for a course. (ARS 15-521). A parent may appeal the teacher's decision to the school district governing board. To overturn the teacher's decision, however, the student must demonstrate to the governing board that he or she has mastered the state's academic standards for the grade or course. (ARS 15-342 (11)).
Comments |
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On 11/19/03
Karen from AZ said:
Oh come on!! It sounds like to me that you yourself have had a student retained, or were retained. To say teachers retain for personal gains is ridiculous. Do you realize the work it takes to retain a student? The follow-up, the 504 plans, the documentation? Classes are overcrowded as it is, do you honestly think we WANT to add to that by retaining a student? Trust me when I say that it is easier to pass a student than to retain. And to even suggest that teachers retain because of minority status is ludicrous!! Come spend a week with me in my classroom, and then make your comments.
If w
On 07/24/03
PF from WI said:
I strongly believe that some teachers really are dedicated, but also so are most parents. In order for a child to get a proper education teachers NEED to listen more than talk. IEPs need to be followed and if they are not, whether it's one or two teachers/guidance counselors that are not devoted to educating rather than dictating, that can screw up a child's education; that's all it takes, just because there is one "good" teacher in the bunch, doesn't mean the school system should "put them all together" and say they are dedicated, and caring". The school administration will NOT admit when
On 05/18/03
Lisa from CA said:
I agree that some teachers and schools will retain children for their own personal gains. In my son's school alone out of 20 students in one class the teacher has recommended retaining 5 of them.This particular school is ranked in the top 10 of the best elementary schools in the nation for test scores.If you put 2 and 2 together it is obvious their reasons for retaining lower scoring students.
On 04/04/03
Jackie from MI said:
I personally feel that some Teachers will retain a student, mostly boys, minorities and low income students, for personal reasons or gains for the school. If a student can mastered the required academic standards, holding them back will not help.
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