Question: My parents are divorced with joint custody but I really don't want to spend very much time with my father. How are custody issues decided?
Answer: In divorce cases the judge makes custody decisions based on what he or she considers to be best for the children. Changes in custody agreements are made only after the parents have formally requested a change and demonstrated that the change is best for the child. (A.R.S. § 25-403).
On 01/22/08 kylie from FL said:
My parents have been seperated for 5 years now, and i go back and forth every other day and i love it. But my mom makes my dad pay her child support and if he misses a week she doesn't let us see him. And my dad makes alot less money than my mom does. But she makes him miss rent in order for him to be able to pay her. Then the whole time i am with my dad she calls and ask what are we doing making sure its not spending money, and if we have stake i have to lie and tell her its chicken.
On 12/01/07 kaitly from AL said:
i live with my mother in atlanta georgia and i hate it. im always stressed and i miss my dad and friends. i want to move in with him but im afraid my mother will make me stay with her can i choose where i want to live and she not come back and get me?
On 09/26/07 Blake from CA said:
my parents are divorced.. i love my mom very much and same with my dad. but at my moms house she has so many rules for me and she realy doesnt lety me do that much stuff?? at my dads house i feel that i have more freedom and get to do what i want to do.. i dont want to do anything bad, but i just want to have fun, i want to live with my dad but i would feel bad leaving my mom..what should i doo????
On 02/06/07 devan from CA said:
I have lived with my dad ever since my mom went into rehab. I hate his wife and how she controlls my life and his.shes so horrible to me and she sometimes makes things up to get me into trouble. Now i want to live with my mom. Shes been clean for over a year and has had another child. There is no custody agreement and i want to live with her. can i? please help
On 12/23/06 Christina from OH said:
I've been living with my dad since i was 4 years old, and my mother lives in Arizona. My dad said he wont let me go live with my mother till im 18, but people tell me when your 12 your old enough to decided on your own. I wanna get away from my dad cause all he does is drink. How would do you have to be to decide? Help please.
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