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  • Is it illegal to download foreign items that is not licensed in United States?

  • I have a questions for you. Since i'm emancipated do I still have to have my parent sign for me to get a tatoo in arizona. And if not would i have to bring the emancipation papers with me to get a tatoo.thanx for answering all my questions.

  • how many people can i have in my car,and what is the curfew in goodyear,az

  • what is the cerfew for pinetop-lakeside, az?

  • Can I get emancipated if I'm only 15, if I'm pregnant, and still going to school? And can I live with my boyfriend which he has a job and will prvied everything needed for me and my baby.

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      What types of lawyers are there and what is their average salary?
      Is there still a possibility for me to become a lawyer if I just have a GED?

    what is youngest age in the state of AZ that you are allowed to get a state I.D. card?

      Is my job allowed to pay bussers 3% of server’s tips and $2.12 an hour?
      My friend and i work at the same place, yesterday he was fired for breaking one of the bosses big rules. I broke that same rule twice before and nothing happened to me. others have also done the same. We have been there past our probation time. The only difference is im white and he's hispanic. Does he have a real complaint? He was told az is a right to work state, what does this mean?
      Can a municipality in Arizona require an employee to carry a pager without compensation?
      my employer is witholding my paycheck until i decide if i'm going to quit or go on a vacation i told them about more than 2 weeks in advance. she says they won't give me the time off, so i have to give her an answer as to whether or not i will not go on the family vacation i had planned months ahead of working there and already bought a $435 plane ticket for, or quit and go on the trip. i told her i didn't think it was legal for her to hold my check until i sign a contract with her that i will work there, and she told me that she is the owner and can do whatever she wants.can she legall do it?
      where can i work at here in arizona and for how many hours a day?
      What are the laws concerning jobs for 13-year olds?
      Does an employer have the right to remove radios from the work place? This is not a public facility.
      Do I have to file a tax report on the money my parents have put away for me for college. They forged my signature last year on my tax return and I did not know I was to receive a refund?
      Can you be fired for no reason?

    How old do I have to be and where can I get a work permit?

      Can an employer listen to an Employee's phone conversation at work?
      Can an employer fire an employee for bad off the job behavior?
      On job applications, are juveniles required to say to shoplifting if they shoplifted but already paid a fine?
      How long can 16 - year olds work on school days?
      What are the laws regarding mandatory breaks at work?
      How many breaks at work are required by law?
      What type of penalties for harassment are in place under the law?
      Is there a way to get back pay from an employer when you were paid under minimum wage or did work off the clock?
      Can employers refuse to hire 14-year-olds if they hire 15-year-olds in AZ?
      I am 18 I moved to AZ from Iowa I served drinks at my job for 2 years there. I'm told I must be 19 to carry drinks in a restaurant in AZ? Why is this?
      Can adult on probation be denied right to work in another state?
      How do I report a labor law violator to the US Government?
      What have the courts determined as resonable accomadation for disabledin the work place?
      What civil rights and employment rights would I lose if convicted of a felony?
      If I work for commission and I do not make minimum wage do they have to pay me for my time?
      If I was fired from work for criminal reasons but I was found not guilty can I sue for back pay and benefits?
      What agency in the state/local government handles complaints about worker safety?
      Can employers make me sign a contract that says I have to pay for any machines that break while I am working or pay when the register comes up short, without my parents?
      What is the law on overtime here in Arizona. If I am on hourly wage and I work over time, is my employer entitled to pay?
      If the work system is using pooling tips, is the owner allowed to get a percentage of it for making beverages?
      if i have 8 hours of sick leave during a 40 hour a week pay period and worked 3 hours of overtime in the same week.am i intitled to the 3 hours of overtime or can my employer take the 3 overtime hours from my 8 hours of sick leave and put down 5 hours of sick leave and not pay the overtime.this is a 8 hour a day 5 day a week pay period.
      Can a 13 year old work in a fast food restaurants, or is it only 14 year olds?
      Based on the state regulations for breaks & lunchs, when you are taking your 30 minute lunch with no pay, can your emoployeer require you to attend a company meeting on your schedule lunch break with no pay?
      What types of lawyers are there and what is their average salary?
      Does my employer have to give me a written contract?
      How and why can I be fired?
      Whom should I contact if I think I have been discriminated against?
      What rights to sick days and vacation days do I have?
      Does my employer have to give me warning before firing me?
      What if my employer failed to pay me?
      What is Workers' Comp all about? I thought that was some kind of insurance.
      i am curently workin a part time job at at the local skating rink and they will schedule me for a time and i go in right on time never late and alot of times they will have me and other employees sit around and wait to get put on for hours without payin us they claim that theres nothin to do ... is it legal to make me stay around without gettin paid when im coming in on time or do they have to pay me and if they need to b payin me is there a way i can do something about this?? thanks for the help
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    Disclaimer: The information contained in this site is made available as a public service to the general public and is not intended to serve as legal advice. You should consult a trained legal professional for questions you may have about the laws affecting juveniles or any legal interpretations.

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