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  • Is it illegal to download foreign items that is not licensed in United States?

  • I have a questions for you. Since i'm emancipated do I still have to have my parent sign for me to get a tatoo in arizona. And if not would i have to bring the emancipation papers with me to get a tatoo.thanx for answering all my questions.

  • how many people can i have in my car,and what is the curfew in goodyear,az

  • what is the cerfew for pinetop-lakeside, az?

  • Can I get emancipated if I'm only 15, if I'm pregnant, and still going to school? And can I live with my boyfriend which he has a job and will prvied everything needed for me and my baby.

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    Speak Up! - Browse Questions about Trouble

    Displaying 1 thru 34 of 34 record(s) Show all questions »      [ 1 ]   
      If you take something from someone's house like a cell phone, that doesn't work, could you still get in trouble for that?
      If you are in a gang what happens if you tell a police officer?

    What happens when someone dies before they are charged with a crime?

      What would be the punishment be for burglary of a small store?

    who do i report an adult friend as missing to if i suspect foul play

      What is the punishment for a class two felony "Theft"?
      What are the penalties for theft?
      Can I be charged with possession of stolen property if a actually bought it?
      If you are charged by police with a misdemeanor for petty theft (1st time offense, good student), is there a chance the judge will drop the charge?
      What will happen if a 15yr old is charged with a felony?
      I am being charged with credit card fraud but have no record, is it possible to get probation?
      can a cop give out information to people who have nothing to do with the case such as neighbors and if so can they do it before you're proven guilty
      Tonight I was skateboarding with my friends at Gilbert Elementary School. A cop showed up, pulled a gun on us and told us that we were trespassing. He then gave us a ticket for trespassing. Is this legal? There was no sign that informed us that we were trespassing and we had no weapons of any kind for him to pull a gun.
      If my boyfriend is over 18 can my Mom put a restraining order on him? Would that be in the Supreme court files, or public information? Does he have to be served personally or can it just be sent in the mail?
      I flicked a staple and hit my friend in the eye. After he went to the doctor he found out that it scratched his cornea and now his parents' lawyer has sent us a letter saying they want my Mom's homeowners insurance number to pay, but I don't think that will even cover all the costs. Can he sue us for our house, cars, etc. too? Thanks.
      What is the conviction for a hot check writer over $500.00?
      Can a minor be sued for fraud?
      What can happen to a 14 year old that forges checks?
      While working in science class I flicked a staple and hit my friend in the eye. Afterwards he went to the doctor he found out that it scratched his cornea. He needed surgery and has permanent damage and now his parents' lawyer has sent us a letter saying they want my Mom's homeowners insurance number to pay, but I don't think that will even cover all the costs. Can he sue us for our house, cars, etc. too? We're very worried now. Thanks.
      I gave my friend my car keys so they could get their things from it. my friend said they left the keys with the car and my car is gone. they said they didn't do anything with the car they just went home after they got their things and left the keys there. can I do anything about my car being gone?
      What happens if I go into a store or bar to buy some alcohol?
      What will happen if I'm arrested?
      What basic things should I remember if I'm arrested?
      What if I'm arrested and can't afford to hire a lawyer?
      How soon after being arrested must I be allowed to appear before a judge?
      What is bail? When is it offered?
      Is there a difference between state and federal crimes? Are federal ones more serious?
      Are there special laws that apply to people 18 or over who sell drugs to people under 18?
      What are the penalties for sexual crimes?
      If I am 18, and my girlfriend/boyriend is only 16 is it a crime for us to have sex?
      Can sexual crimes occur within a marriage?
      Well we had this date - I took her to a movie and dinner - and, you know - I wanted to go all the way - She sure was upset. So is that a crime?
      Oh come on - I just grabbed her butt - so what's the big deal?
      Someone put pictures of kids having sex on the net that I downloaded to my computer. Is that a crime?
    Displaying 1 thru 34 of 34 record(s) Show all questions »      [ 1 ]   

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