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    Speak Up! - View Question #461

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    Question: What high school classes should you take to become a lawyer?

    Answer: Unlike medical school, there are no prerequisites that need to be taken before attending law school. However, there are a number of classes that would be beneficial.

    Law school involves a tremendous amount of reading, writing, critical thinking, and analysis. As such, I would take as many critical thinking courses as possible while you are still in high school. Generally, these courses are in the Humanities (English, history, etc.). Try to take Advanced Placement and/or honors courses in these subjects to develop your reading comprehension, writing, and analytical skills.

    If your high school offers a philosophy course, I highly recommend that you take it. I also recommend taking a foreign language in high school and in college...Latin would be beneficial for both the SATs and for law school terminology.

    Other than those suggestions, take courses that interest you, but also make sure to have a well-rounded curriculum, balancing mathematics, sciences, the Humanities, foreign languages, and electives. In addition, it would be helpful to balance your school-based work with extracurricular activities from a variety of areas. Some of the best learning experiences occur outside the classroom. Many high schools offer mock trial programs, which are a good introduction to the practice of law.

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    On 05/08/08
    mariss from OK said:
    Well my name is Marissa and i want to become a lawyer because well when i first had to go to court between a coach and I. Well also I want to become a lawyer for the victims because I was one and still am criminal lawyer I cant stand how can they stand up for people like that. But ya I think this would be a very good thing for me I finaly get to help a young child or adult. Because I want bad people to go away to and thats why and I would like to help people like others and by this I would be helping my self and maybe i could move on from what ive beeen trew. Thank you
    On 05/07/08
    asia from WA said:
    thanks for the tips it really helps me get started on my senior project and succesful in life.
    On 04/23/08
    Jazzie from CA said:
    this helped a lot i'm deffinatly gonna get an "A" on my project/report
    On 04/20/08
    aacb from MD said:
    Thanks. This answered a major question I had about Lawsuit classes I need for preparing for the main courses in college, if God allows me to go to.
    On 04/09/08
    Tori from LA said:

    Thanx for the info I need to fulfill my dreams and when I become a Lawyer for Criminal Justice I will know who to thank.

    36 thru 40 of 170 comments    ...  6   7  [ 8 ]  9   10  ...   

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