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  • I am 17 and im currently with a 30 year old. my dad just found out and wants to press charges. the age of consent in sc is 16. Can he press charges on him?
  • How Loud can the exhaust on your car be without being illegal?
  • What would the penalty be for possessing 10 ounces of marijuana?

  • Recently I was specifically threatened via Facebook. We filed a report pressing charges on her, because she is very crazy and she got her older sister and best friend to harass my sister. At bond court the Judge said she was charged with Illegal use of Telephone. Is that right? Or could she be charged with Assault by imtimidation?

  • What steps would you take to propose a law?

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    Displaying 1 thru 35 of 35 record(s) Show all questions »      [ 1 ]   

    I am 17 and am a father to a 2 month old little girl. I want to be responsible for my daughter so when I graduate I will get a job. How much of my paycheck should I give my daughter for childsupport? I want it to be the right amount she is entitled to and nothing less.


    What will happen if I'm arrested?


    What basic things should I remember if I'm arrested?


    What if I'm arrested and can't afford to hire a lawyer?


    How soon after being arrested must I be allowed to appear before a judge?


    What is bail? When is it offered?


    What are the grounds for a divorce?


    What rights and responsibilities do I have if I am not sure the child is mine?

      How do I register for the Selective Service?

    What can happen if I do not register with the Selective Service?


    Can an abused person press criminal charges against the offending partner?

      Can an abused person bring an action for personal injuries against the offending partner?

    How and why can I be fired?


    Whom should I contact if I think I have been discriminated against?


    Once I have a marriage license, what else do I need?

      What are sexual crimes?

    What is sexual contact?

      Does my employer have to give me a written contract?
      What rights to sick days and vacation days do I have?
      At what age can I enlist in the Armed Forces?

    Are there special laws that apply to people 18 or over who sell drugs to people under 18?

      Does my employer have to give me warning before firing me?

    What if my employer failed to pay me?

      What is Workers' Comp all about? I thought that was some kind of insurance.

    What are the laws about guns and weapons?


    What does consent mean?


    What are the penalties for sexual crimes?


    Well we had this date - I took her to a movie and dinner - and, you know - I wanted to go all the way - She sure was upset. So is that a crime?


    Oh come on - I just grabbed her butt - so what's the big deal?


    Someone put pictures of kids having sex on the net that I downloaded to my computer. Is that a crime?


    I just turned 18, I can smoke now right?

      What is a tort?
      Do I have a right to get a driver's license?

    What changes regarding transportation laws when I become 18?


    Do I have to get my own car insurance too?

    Displaying 1 thru 35 of 35 record(s) Show all questions »      [ 1 ]   

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