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    Speak Up! - View Question #317

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    Question: I am being charged with credit card fraud but have no record, is it possible to get probation?

    Answer: Yes. Most often, first time criminal offenders are placed on probation for their crime. The exceptions to this are crimes that involve the death or serious physical injury of the victim or crimes in which the defendant used a weapon, such as a gun or knife. Credit card fraud does not fall under these exceptions and typically, the prosecutor will offer a plea agreement that will place the defendant on probation. Even if the defendant is convicted at trial, however, the judge is likely to place a defendant on probation if he does not have any prior criminal record.

    6 thru 10 of 33 comments     1  [ 2 ]  3   4   5  ...   
    On 10/05/06
    A from IL said:
    I was charged with obstructing justice, and domestic violents will I get time for this. This is not my first offense?
    On 03/16/06
    anna from CO said:
    my step dad has opened a credit car in my name. It has been maxed out at $5000. when my mom found out about it she flipped but didnt tell me. when he was suppose to pay some bills he spent the money else where. so she took some money off of my card. the payments have been made on it but i dont want this on my recored what will happen to my mom if i turn my step dad in. she has a shop lifting record already. and my step dad is an ilegal canadian. what should i do?
    On 05/26/05
    mixie from TN said:
    i have used more than $1000 on my mom's credit card. I know this is fraud and now i think a private investigator is looking for me. what will happen to me if i get arrested? when i was a kid i have been arrested for shoplifting before so i don't know if they will use that to hurt me too.
    On 02/28/05
    Michael from VA said:
    If people have only spent a few dollars then they do not deserve anything worse than probation. i about $30 of pizza and had it delivered to my house after drinking all night. the cc was stolen but sine i ordered i'm facing a class 6 felony.
    On 10/06/04
    max from RI said:
    Hopefully, what you've said is rightt. My case is holding up for 6 months right now. I have 2 lawers that are working on it. The main consern is that I'm not a a US citizen... I might be sent out of the country.
    6 thru 10 of 33 comments     1  [ 2 ]  3   4   5  ...   

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