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    Speak Up! - View Question #317

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    Question: I am being charged with credit card fraud but have no record, is it possible to get probation?

    Answer: Yes. Most often, first time criminal offenders are placed on probation for their crime. The exceptions to this are crimes that involve the death or serious physical injury of the victim or crimes in which the defendant used a weapon, such as a gun or knife. Credit card fraud does not fall under these exceptions and typically, the prosecutor will offer a plea agreement that will place the defendant on probation. Even if the defendant is convicted at trial, however, the judge is likely to place a defendant on probation if he does not have any prior criminal record.

    16 thru 20 of 33 comments     1   2   3  [ 4 ]  5  ...   
    On 03/19/04
    Dan from AZ said:
    Try and Fix your credit after some scumbag has Stolen from those Billionaires by Ruining your Credit. See How You Like cleaning up after someones Credit Card Theft
    On 03/17/04
    Angela from MI said:
    Hello, my sister was charged with 3 felony warrants on credit card fraud, and 2 felony accounts of illegal transactions, she is a first time offender, no criminal background, she admitted to one credit card fraud but knows nothing about the others what could she get out of this? If you could get back to me i would appreciate it thankyou.
    On 03/07/04
    Memphis from TN said:
    I have been indicted on 3 counts of credit card charges under $1000 with US Fed's I turned myself in Friday and they released me on my own signiture. I work and an attorney is talking about charging me $2500. I could not get a court appointed attorney. Will I go jail since it a Federal crime?
    On 03/04/04
    mike from FL said:
    i used somebody else social to get credit it was three yeara ago but i told him i did i never committed a crime in my life what would probanly happens will the banks make pay the debt back or would i get charge for credit card fraud please let me know.
    On 03/04/04
    Shawn from IL said:
    I was unable to access the Speak Up! Form so I will write my question here. I used to work at a restaraunt where I was the manager. I had a usual who lost their credit card but would provide his numbers on a piece of paper. He would then put a $50 tip on the card and I would hand him the money. I am now apparently at fault and have been requested by my former employer to pay for all of his transactions. The card number was fraudulent and the police my become involved. What could happen to me? I did not steal the money but am worried about my future. Please help!
    16 thru 20 of 33 comments     1   2   3  [ 4 ]  5  ...   

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